Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Have found the most frustrating thing about this is trying to remember user name and password...should I keep a note book somewhere or should I keep it all the same for ease of remembering??
Had a very interesting chat to Dawn who reassured me she had the same problem and also that a lot of other people experience the same thing.
We discussed maybe we could keep a 'page' savedto password protected computer with all the details stored so could look it up when needed. Using a password protected memory stick would also work but still able to lose this easily.
Both of us would rather not use a site than have to register and think up a new password!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Three Step Reflective Framework 21/5/08

We looked at Sarah's blog site- Sarah's Musings.

I'm amazed so much information is able to be recorded-that she is so open and honest and keen to share thoughts. She's not worried about what people will think.

Privacy is a factor for me.I'm not sure I could do this but am impresed anyway. I mean, what if she sid something controversial/insensitive and someone wanted to sue her? Is this the type of thing that would be viewed as evidence? and can what you say be misconstrued and used 'against' you at a later date? ie out of context.

Analysing the Experience.

I would be cautious about being so open. I have a lot to feel vulnerable about!

Today in a staff meeting, one member was not happy to hae his photo on a website. So theses are the two spectrums.

Need to consider carefully what/how to proceed.

Reflect on what your learned and how it will be used..

I've learned that a lot is possible. I'm not sure i've got the time to be a dedicated bloggeron this scale...then again it could be one of those things that can turn to an addiction...imagine!!! Being able to talk to my hearts content with no interruption!!! Could be boring though...we'll see.
‘Getting Started’ DIL Research Project

When I first read the research article I had a vision of better being able to use my computer, with or with out other little gadgets such as memory sticks to make life easier. At the exact time of reading it, it had taken me two hours to be able to ‘make’ a graph in which to chart some raw data for an issue I was doing an audit on.

When I attended the first meeting, I think my mind boggled because I had thought that as I ‘used’ a computer every day and was able to ‘look things up’ in a scholarly manner, that I would have a relatively good ‘handle’ on things. So I was a bit overwhelmed to realise I actually know ‘next to nothing’. And of course there’s some part of me that expects that I should know more, and that’s where I started to feel a bit panic e about my ability to actually be able to do the things others were talking about in the first session. Sarah Stewart, a fellow participant picked up on this and made a very sensible suggestion, to think about what I wanted to do, start small and take it from there. Below is my response to this suggestion.

I think the biggest thing is wanting to 'share' in my childs love of the computer, to be able to communicate with him as well on this medium.
I remembered the word 'line x' from the session last week. I asked him had he heard of it...he said do you mean 'lennux'? Something like that. He said, how did you find out about that? What would you like to use it for?...well, he went on to try and explain it to me and my mind clouded over.
The kids were all filming a 5 plus a day movie on the weekend didn't exactly know how to edit it or how to present it to other classmates and make it into a story. There were discussions to and fro btwn microsoft and Mac, not having a cd writer and having a large enough memory card. So I'd like to be able to join in their discussions (my partner has a 15 yo, a 13 yo and a 10 yo) and speak the same language.
I thought maybe this could be my starting point.
Thanks Sarah. I guess I wanted to do something totally amazing and shock them all!
Yes, keeping it small gives me direction and suddenly its not so overwhelming :).

All that was spoken about in the first session reminds me of my first visit to ‘California Park’. I didn’t know anyone who’d ever been and so hadn’t any expectations –you know there’s going to be lots of great ‘attractions’ but you’re stuck as to which to go to first. And I’m the sort of person who would want to get a ‘taste’ of everything! So, in a nut shell, there was also me putting a bit of pressure on myself to do this , as well as ‘keep up ‘ with the Jones’ especially other health professional on the course!
So! There’s my heart and soul…

I would like to be able to record my progress in some format other than ‘word’. Not confident enough to use ‘blogger’ unless I can use an alias.